Wednesday, August 1, 2007


is the theme song of the day. Have you ever had dream that felt so real that you woke up believing that it had actually happened?

It was a cold rainy morning. The wind was pounding against the single pane windows such that when I placed my right hand against the window I could feel the vibrations pass through my hand into my body. I shivered, they were cold and reminded me of the days when I first started playing the violin. With the instrument tucked carefully under my chin, pressing against my neck, I would gently glide my beautiful horse hair bow against the strings only to have the most awful hair raising sound that resonated in my heart, at which point the apple of my eye, my adorable black lab pound puppy mutt would howl, craning his neck towards the moon like a coyote, making his utter dissatisfaction known much to my mother's amusement. In those days, I would intentionally hit the high notes, just to see him howl. The corners of my lips pucker upward at the memory until the buzzing of my cell phone breaks my concentration.

I picked up the phone off the coffee table. A text message. Hmm. I opened the message to see that the ex was lonely and sorry for leaving him. Would I take him back?

I woke up smiling, snuggling under my comforter, only to realize 5 minutes later that it was all a dream, the past was gone. I cried into my pillow. The dream was gone.


Anonymous said...

I once (not that long ago) had a break-up dream with a man I never even knew.

I spent five minutes sobbing in my bed after I woke up.

Waking up smiling is not so bad, really, even if it is just a fleeting moment of nocturnal pleasure.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

You're lucky to remember so many things; I never do.

Blindsighted One said...

Welcome! How did you find my blog? I generally don't ever remember any of my dreams so it's quite unusual that I could write such details. Don't be too jealous just yet!

I think it's rather telling that you found me. I love star trek.

Me said...

Well, now I'm here to make a formal showing. My internet connection at work had been wonky all day so this is the first I could trace you back to your actual "home" instead of to Scott's comment section.

Blogs are 'where it's at' as the kids say, aren't they? I've caught up on your events and I say blog away! Get it out. Process words until you can't make out the letters "f" and "u" on the keyboard anymore. Go cry and then come back and blog some more.

Take your time and do your thing. Your unseen friends in the blogosphere are right here if you need us.


Blindsighted One said...

Thanks for joining, Alan. Your support is appreciated it.

lattégirl said...

I wish Jean-Luc would show up at MY blog. *sigh*

JUST A MOM said...

AND THEN, yu got dressed and went to find a new lovley day!!!!!!!!

Hang in there it will never mind you are tired of hearing that too..... um life sucks today so go find something to make it a bit better.

Amanda said...

Sometimes a lousy start to a day really means it can only get better. Easy to say when you're not the one having the lousy start but hopefully you did have a good day.

Shelby said...

finished my storeyette - thanks for all the inspiration!!! it was quite fun :)

Big Dave T said...

I have a recurring dream where I'm back working at the newspaper office, under great deadline pressure and without a clue as to what to write about. And I haven't worked for a newspaper in over 25 years. I forget the meaning of those types of dreams though.

Thanks for visiting my blog. So you were going to comment that I was "above average" but you had to re-consider. That's OK. I am just your average guy.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

I thought it was BritBlog that I saw yours, but it must have just been a comment I visited.