Friday, August 3, 2007


is in order. First, a shout out to all the "moms." You are a tenacious chatty group. I mean some of you are up late at night thinking about my situation. And one of you even left a phone number! Perhaps you should remove the phone number. I don't want you to get crank calls a la the CRANK CALLS blog entry. Though if it happened, wouldn't that be kind of funny considering?

I tip my hats to the men who have recently commented. I didn't think this blog would speak to men, and who knows if it will in the future. In any case, your perspective and comments are welcome, invited in fact. I'm not a man hater at all but I do really despise the man who left me. Jean-Luc Picard -- any chance you could beam him back so that I can give him the kick in the balls he so deserves?

Some of the faithful following have questions about the blindsighted one. I would too. In any case, one of the "moms" posed questions in the comments section of some of entries so I thought I would answer them. Perhaps others have questions too. When I get a critical mass, I will address more questions. I don't want the faithful following to think I am giving preferential treatment. After all I'm an equal opportunity blogger. Feel free to ask away. Whatever your heart desires. If I don't want to answer, I won't.

In any case, I am permanently 29 years old and I grew up in a small town (about 30,000 folks) some where in the United States. I no longer live in this small town. My ex and I rented a very cute home. We split utilities and rent in half, so no, I cannot afford the home on my own. Half the utilities are in my name and half are in his. Most all of the belongings are his. I happily gave up mine because his things were nicer for the most part. Too bad he wasn't as nice as some of the furniture. I'm in the process of searching for a roommate because as one friend stated eloquently, the memories will go with you wherever you move so why create more stress than you already have. It's been a hellish process to say the least.

Ok now, every one get some sleep!


JUST A MOM said...

OOOOO you gave up YOUR stuff,,, well then I would say that NOW YOUR stuff is pretty nice stuff. I would say when a body walks out a body leaves behind all that is to be given to the one left behind.... the utilities thing sucks.... Good luck finding a room mate. AND never give up hope in people of htee world...

Shelby said...

awww.. I hope your Friday today is fabulous :)

KrazyMom said...

Hope you find a room mate soon. All of us "moms" are on here late at night because it gives us a change of pace. It is an outlet to NOT discuss poopy diapers, teething, cranky infants, etc...! haha. It may take a while to get back on your feet, so to speak, but once you regain your independance, you will feel so much stronger!

Mindy said...

I am hoping your search for a roommate goes smoothly and painlessly. I sure hope you have changed your locks since he left.