Friday, July 27, 2007
hi [insert my name],
just wanted to say hello. i'm very sad about how things have worked out, and want you to know that i really value our friendship. you've been in my thoughts every day; i keep thinking about how you must be feeling.
[insert 3 more blobbity blah short sentences about talking, lunch, or whatever i want]
best always,
[insert ex's cousin's name]
Please spare me. This e-mail pretty much left me hot, then cold, and numb. She's sad? Who cares? She doesn't know the depth of sadness. She makes me so mad (picture steam coming out of my ears). How is it that after knowing her for all these years, she can sign off with a "best always?" Her cousin left, and this is what she has to say. I'm overwhelmed by her lack of emotion. It would have been better if she had never e-mailed.
I exploded. I called a friend who could tolerate my yelling.
Me: How can a person just leave, [insert friend's name]? He left me. How could he do that? That last image I have of him is of his leaving. How do I ever forget that? How do I trust someone again?
Friend: I know it hurts, but just remember the words of all of us who love you. We have all been through this kind of turmoil, and we have all made it through. And so will you. Hold on to that.
Me: You love me? my voice cracking like a pimply teenage boy going through puberty, except that I don't have pimples, so I'm not sure why I use that adjective at this particularly moment. Perhaps I feel that I should have a pimple. Should I?
Friend: I always have; I always will.
I collapsed on the only piece of furniture I own among the sea of awful belongings that still crowd our small home, my comfy couch, and slept for the next 2 hours. I woke up to find myself in the nightmare I thought I left behind in my dreams.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I was SO tempted to write up the ex and post a picture until Dan told me that the website and some of the women had been sued by the men that were posted on the website. I don't see what the men were all up in arms over. After all, they screwed their significant others. If anything, they should have been sued! I mean, the ex is smart, but is he that smart? He's the most self-absorbed man out there and he couldn't possibly think that little ol' me could possible write up a fat ass like him. After all, he left me, and I'm a catch.
Still tempted to write him up. We'll see....
Monday, July 23, 2007
Usually after a few days my mom and I start getting on each other's nerves. It's not that we don't love each other but after spending an extended amount of time together in close quarters we do start to snap at each other over inconsequential things. Last evening I was just thinking how we were getting along so well. We hadn't had one fight and were having a "good" time despite the circumstances, becoming closer. In fact, I invited her to attend a counseling session with me. To my complete surprise (and sheer happiness), she actually attended and opened up. She comes from a culture that values privacy and secrecy so I was shocked. Perhaps it was these series of successes that led to the argument last night.
As I was getting ready for bed, the following conversation ensued:
Mom: "You know, it would have been better if you had been married. (She did not approve of our living together outside of marriage."
Me: "What?"
Mom: "Well, if you had been married, you would have something to show for the past few years."
Me: "What?" I said again, raising my voice. I could feel myself getting hot, heart pumping.
Mom: "You would get some of his money, change the locks."
Me: "What are you talking about?" I screamed. "You think money could possibly compensate me for the pain, anger, sadness. You have no idea what you're talking about."
I lost it. I went to a dark dark place that I had never experienced, ever. I started throwing things. I didn't do anything drastic, throwing plastic vitamin bottles on the floor, the pressure making the caps pop up, vitamins clattering across the hard wood floors, like marbles. With one arm, I swept books off their shelf. I grabbed the bag of oranges, repeatedly smashing them against the floor until the oranges split open, spilling their juices (in the bag thankfully).
None of my tirade made me feel better. At the end, I was droopy eyed, exhausted, and sobbing hysterically. My mom stood their speechless, and she always has something to say. She reached and squeezed the living day lights out of me.
Orange juice anyone?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Crank Calls
These days since, we are no longer forced to remember calls, I have no idea whose number belongs to who. I'm talking to one my best friends and what does he suggest, the adult version of the crank call! Unfortunately, hearing the words, "Hello/Hi/Hey," will not be enough to figure out who the person is.
The plan: 3 way calling. Friend calls me. Friend calls number. Me -- silence. If someone picks up, he says, "I saw on my caller id that I just got a call from [states individual's number] but makes one of the numbers off by one. This would hopefully allow for enough conversation for me to know who everyone is.
I select the top 5 numbers called/received.
1. Ex's mom
2. Dan (from My Best Bud post)
3. Ex's other best friend
4. Ex's sister
5. Ex's other best friend's wife
There were fleeting moments of feeling a natural high from calling these people and there were laughs to be had. Certainly, it was the first time I laughed at myself or anything in a while. But after it was all said and done, I woke up crying 3 hours after falling asleep.
Monday, July 16, 2007
What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Me: " Who gives a damn?" I said?
Colleagues: Raised eyebrows. "Are you OK, doll?"
As an aside, 'doll' gets overused by people in the business. It's thrown around like rice at weddings -- too much. I call my friends doll-face but only because I love them and it's a term of endearment.
Me: "What kind of question is that?
Colleagues: "Well you just screamed at the top of your lungs, and the client is downstairs."
Me: "Really?" I didn't even realize that I had shouted much less screamed. Whatever. I've had enough clients scream at me while I silently took it all in. This is pay back. "I don't care who hears me. I can't believe we're discussing which color is better for the wall when there are more important things going on. I'm stepping out for a cig."
Colleagues: "A what?" they said dumbfounded. "You don't smoke."
It's true, I don't. In fact, I abhor it. I won't date guys who smoke; hate going to bars where smoking is allowed. I won't have anything to do with it. But these days I'll do anything to feel less stress and anxiety, even if it's for a mere 5 minutes. It's better than nothing. My college friend got me onto it due to my troubles. I smoke may be 2 a day. Some times 3. It depends.
I put on my brown tinted sunglasses, the ones that I left at a bar once and cried when I couldn't find them because I rocked the look, only to have the ex buy them for me again. I know it's ridiculous to love something so simple so much but I do so slipped them on, and slipped on out. While failing to make o-rings with my new found habit, I thought about the phone call that set me off. The in-laws. Now I really did dodge a bullet there. They used to provide me with a free technical service and they had called to tell me that I would always be welcome to obtain this service for free. And that's all they had to say. Nothing about we're sorry about what happened. We'll miss you. None of the normal things that kind people say and do for others when they are in so much freaking pain. Their son walked out on me and they're talking about free services!
I came home to this message at 9 PM. After years of dating and living with the son that they dare call their child, that's all they had to say? "Please feel free to see us next year." "You have go to be kidding me," I cried. I pulled the phone out of the socket and threw it away.
When there was nothing left to pull out or throw around I logged into my Itunes account and bought my theme song for the month of July!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
My Best Bud
In any case, Dan and I spent the next 3 hours leaning on his shoulder, crying, and having my hair stroked and kissed by a cute cuddly man. In retrospect, if I had had the presence of mind, and thankfully I didn't, I might have taken advantage of this situation. Isn't the best revenge to get together with the ex's best friend? Of course, that would have been awful because Dan was dating the ex's cousin, who's practically like a sister to him.
I tried to describe what happened between the sobs that choked out of my body but no words could come out except to describe the facts, my ex's behavior, the crazy message that was left on my voicemail by the parents (I could have b*itch slapped them so hard, let me tell you) and how ironic it was that the end of one relationship meant the forging of another (ours). It was a little creepy because while he was attempting to console me he revealed to me the naughty things he does when he goes out of town with his closest friends and that his uptight, control freak (my words, not his in so many) of a fiance would completely disapprove of so I dare not say anything. He also revealed that it was the most difficult relationship he'd ever been in but he does it because "he loves her." Whatever. This is how our bonding began.
Funny thing, I always though Dan and his fiance had the perfect relationship. They don't. His revealing his indiscretions made me develop this mad little crush on him. Who wouldn't have a crush on the man who pays you the first kindness since your ex left. My friends think I should pursue him but I'm not a home wrecker but then all is fair in love and war, as one friend said. The relationship is not a done deal until the I dos have been shared, and even then, that's questionable these days.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Girl, let me tell you my story. I’m exhausted and haven’t slept or eaten in over 24 hours. I went to work and don’t even know how it is that I managed to write competent e-mails to my clients, since I was bawling the whole time and couldn’t see through the curtain of tears. Yesterday, the man that I had lived with and supported for years walked out on me. He freaking walked out on me. Something was up because he was acting funny for most of the day and he left for a few hours to “think.” He didn’t say about what and it was not unusual because he’s big on thinking but apparently not big on communicating. He comes home, tells me he no longer loves me, and starts packing a suit case. I look at him in stunned silence, not knowing what to say. I don’t think I even understood what he said. I had what I imagine was the “blank” look until he pulled out the suit case and started flinging his belongings into it. I stood in the middle of our living room as he walked from room to room gathering who knows what. I was sobbing uncontrollably, shoulders shaking as violently as the leaves of a eucalyptus tree coming off in the middle of train storm, reeling in pain wrapped in my most comfortable blanket. I should even say I was crying because I’m crying as a I write this entry, I hear a clattering, kind of like the sound of plates being stacked on each other and I realize my mouth is quivering and that my teeth are chattering, like they do when you’re cold, you know?
I started following him around. Sobbing hysterically, I said, “I don’t understand. What’s wrong? “What did I do? What I am supposed to do?” I stood there begging him to stay, asking him not to leave to me. I asked him to explain what was wrong, what couldn’t be fixed, what couldn’t I change or solve. I regret saying those things but what else was I supposed to do? Isn’t it amazing the things we do in the name of love. Well, maybe it’s not amazing, it’s just freaking ridiculous. No it’s ludicrous. Did I mention that he slept with me the night before? I even said, “You slept with me!” “I didn’t know yesterday” was his lousy ass answer.
Between the thoughts of why is he leaving, what am I supposed to do, I was thinking how can I face my family, my friends, my co-workers, everyone. How am I supposed to tell anyone what happened?
I don’t know how I did it but I went to work today after a sleepless horrible night in the bed we used to share. And now, here I am, blogging about this in the home we formerly shared with all of his crap still throwing itself in my face. My second regret was not kicking him in the balls when I had the chance to.
It’s only Monday, how am I supposed to make it through the rest of the day much less the week?